November was a great month, working on severaldifferent projects for the own label: hochform - Studio for glass andproduct design.
During this time we rented Wilfried Markus GlassStudio in Rheinfelden. Here me and the co-owner; of hochform: Christiane Frommelt, Glassand Product designer worked on the following products:
thecitrus presses "Pressefreiheit" made for Okro Konzepte in Chur andfor the BKV: the Bavarian art and craft Association based in Munich. Duringthis time we also we finished the new carafe series called: "Fassbar"and started a working on several prototypes for a new carafe made exclusivelyand in collaboration with Okro Konzepte.
Itwas a good and productive month with hard work, several new ideas, prototypesand creative discussions about the shape, look, form, size, height andthickness.
Picturesare following soon on the webpage of hochform Studio: